Pulling Loose Teeth in Kids Versus Letting Them Fall Out Naturally

by | Oct 7, 2019 | Uncategorized

It’s pretty common for children to have baby teeth pulled when one becomes loose. People can get creative with this one, but the most common method is by tying a string to a door handle then closing the door. Most of the time, the loose baby tooth comes popping out and the child doesn’t even feel it. Other times, it may take a touch more effort, but the tooth eventually comes out. Although this seems like a right of passage for most children, it’s actually not the best way for a child to lose their baby teeth. Here is some information about pulling baby teeth you may not have known about.
Baby Teeth Come Out on Their Own
It’s really tempting to want to yank a baby tooth out when it’s super loose. However, baby teeth go through a dissolving process and eventually come out on their own. This specific process usually involves little to no blood and zero pain. However, when a baby tooth is pulled out, there’s usually a lot of blood and often a bit of, if not a lot of pain involved. The best choice is to always let the baby teeth come out naturally to avoid any unnecessary pain or issues with the tooth.
Pulling a Tooth Early Can Cause Issues
Although many children have come out unscathed by having their teeth pulled early, it doesn’t leave them without risk. Baby teeth are vital because they not only protect the tooth cavity until it’s ready to be filled by an adult tooth, but they help guide adult teeth to place. If a baby tooth is pulled early, a child could suffer infection, dry socket, and have trouble with teeth coming in crooked. Baby teeth also help with shaping the jawline which means early removal could potentially cause issues in this department as well.
Is It Ever OK to Pull a Baby Tooth Early?
Unless there is damage to the tooth or issues such as cavities and decay occurring, a tooth shouldn’t be pulled out. When it comes down to it, only a dentist should be pulling teeth. This will ensure that the child is having the tooth pulled safely along with monitoring afterward. This should alleviate any pain the child might go through as well as reduce their chances of risks connected to early tooth removal. A dentist will only pull a tooth if deemed necessary. This means the tooth removal results in a more positive outcome than it would to just leave the tooth in.
In general, it’s always best to speak to your dentist before attempting anything like tooth removal. Although the loose tooth can be annoying and sometimes impede the way a child eats or talks, it’s a natural process that’s better left to nature instead of human hands, if at all possible. This allows the tooth and body to work through the process properly, ensuring your child’s dental health is in tip-top shape.
